TAKE ACTION: Clap these Rhythms

Now that you know how to read rhythms, it is time to put your newly gained knowledge to the test. Download the PDF and start to clap the rhythms. Make sure to read all the instructions below before you start with the exercise!

Once you feel like you've got the rhythm exercises down, you can listen to the audio examples to see if you've got them right.

Here are some guidelines to help you get started:

  • Look at each complete exercise before you start clapping, to see what rhythms it contains.
  • If you're feeling overwhelmed by all the notes, especially when smaller sub divisions like 8th and 16th notes are introduced, don't worry! Just start by deciding where the onbeats (1s) and downbeats (2, 3, 4) of each measure are. Those are you anchors.
  • You could even print the PDF, and notate all the beats and subdivisions underneath the measures, like this:

Different ways in which to practice these exercises

  • Just clap the exercises without counting out loud.
  • Than start clapping the rhythms while counting out loud. Make sure you count the smallest subdivision of each exercise (for example: if the smallest subdivision of the rhythm exercise is a 16th note, you count each bar as 1 e & e 2 e & e 3 e & e 4 &)
  • Download a metronome app and start clapping the exercises along with a click. Start slow (60 to 80 BPM) and slowly work your way up to faster tempos. Challenge yourself and see how fast you can clap the exercises.

Another fun and challenging way in which to practice these exercises is by tapping the beats with your left hand (1, 2, 3, 4), and tapping the rhythms with you right hand (or vice versa).

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