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HSA: By the end of this course you'll know music theory
HSA Standard Only: Your Assignments
An Introduction to Music Theory (15:01)
What You'll Learn In This Course (3:36)
MODULE 1: Reading Rhythm (Notation I)
Reading Rhythms (26:49)
Different Ways of Writing Triplets
Quiz: Reading rhythms
TAKE ACTION: Clap these Rhythms
TAKE ACTION: Transcribe these Rhythms
While you're here...
TAKE ACTION: Transcribing Rhythms from Songs
TAKE ACTION: Transcribe Rhythms in Musical Context
MODULE 2: Reading Pitch (Notation II)
Naming Notes (22:25)
Accidentals, Sharps and Flats
Comparison: Piano Roll (4:27)
Quiz: Naming Notes
TAKE ACTION: Name these notes
TAKE ACTION: Sing these Melodies
MODULE 3: Intervals
Understanding Intervals (19:34)
Pretty and Inside/Safe
Notes on Intervals
Speed Training: Intervals (1:55)
PDF: Scale Degrees
Ear Training: Intervals (8:07)
TAKE ACTION: Name These Intervals
TAKE ACTION: Notate the Correct Interval Note
TAKE ACTION: Hearing Melodic Intervals
TAKE ACTION: Hearing Harmonic Intervals
MODULE 4: Scales
Constructing Scales (31:16)
TAKE ACTION: Notate these Scales
TAKE ACTION: Writing Down Flats and Sharps for Each Key
MODULE 5: Chords
Crafting Chords (34:03)
Learning Chord Tones (8:52)
PDF: Chord Tones
TAKE ACTION: Notate These Chords
TAKE ACTION: Add Chord Symbols to These Chords
Learning the Scales (3:36)
PDF: Scales (again)
Complex Chords (14:10)
Slash Chords
MODULE 6: Roman Numerals (Harmony I)
Roman Numerals (15:02)
TAKE ACTION: Add the right Roman Numeral
MODULE 7: Diatonic Harmony (Harmony II)
Diatonic Harmony (13:49)
TAKE ACTION: Create a diatonic harmony cheat sheet
TAKE ACTION: Write Roman Numerals with These Chord Progressions
Tonal Harmony (28:57)
MODULE 8: Modes
The Minor Scale (10:19)
PDF: Key Signatures
TAKE ACTION: Notate the Minor Scale in all Keys
The Other Modes (8:10)
Modal Chords (8:43)
TAKE ACTION: Notate These Modes
Credits & Last Words (0:46)
HSA Standard Only: Handing In Your Assignments
Pretty and Inside/Safe
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