Accidentals, Sharps and Flats
Accidentals, Sharps, Flats and Naturals
Got a small change to the course here.
In the course I equate the word accidental with sharps, flats and naturals. This is not the case.
The actual definition is, according to Wikipedia:
In music, an accidental is a note of a pitch (or pitch class) that is not a member of the scale or mode indicated by the most recently applied key signature. In musical notation, the sharp (♯), flat (♭), and natural (♮) symbols, among others, mark such notes—and those symbols are also called accidentals.
I actually had no idea that was the case, and never ran into the problem in my 15+ years of reading notation, studying music and working with other musicians, so I don't think it's a big deal, I just wanted you to know.
Again, throughout this course, simply replace the word "Accidental" with "Sharps and Flats".