TAKE ACTION: Transcribe these Rhythms
Awesome! Now that you developed some skill in reading and clapping rhythms, we are going to take this one step further. In this exercise, you are going to "transcribe" some rhythms. Transcription is figuring out, learning how to play, and notating musical ideas, melodies, rhyhthms, harmonies, solos or even entire songs by ear.
Don't worry, for now you are only going to transcribe some simple rhythms.
We provided you with an empty page of sheet music which you can print and use to write the rhythms of each exercise down. Don't forget to notate the time signature for each exercise! If you would like to practice notating digitally, we recommend Musescore (free), or [SOFTWARE FRIEDEMANN USES].
There are fast and slow versions of each exercise. Start by listening to the fast versions first. Only use the slow version if you can't figure out the rhythms with the fast version. Count or tap along while the rhythm is playing to get a sense of the beats.
Each exercise starts with a whole measure of clicks, to give you the tempo.
The last attachment contains a PDF with all the answers. Make sure you only refer to it after you did all the exercises.