TAKE ACTION: Transcribing Rhythms from Songs
In this exercise, you are going to transcribe the rhythms of vocal melodies of a couple of famous songs:
Tip: start by counting the beats along with the song (1, 2, 3, 4). Next, figure out what the smallest subdivision of the melody is: quarter notes, eighth notes, triplets, or sixteenth notes. Count the subdivisions along with the song (for example: 1 e & e 2 e & e 3 e & e 4 e & e).
Transcribe the melodies of the following songs:
- billie eilish - bad guy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-Igwc5lEbE) transcribe the first phrase of the chorus ("So you're a tough guy" until "Chest always so puffed guy") from 0:42 - 0:49). The chorus melody starts on the 3 &, so start your first measure with a half note rest and eighth note rest.
- Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k8craCGpgs) transcribe the first phrase of the verse ("Just a smalltown girl" until "goin' anywhere") from 0:18 - 0:32). The first word starts on the 4 of the measure, so start with a half note and quarter note rest.
- Harry Styles - Watermelon Suger (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-x3uD5z1bQ) transcribe the chorus ("Watermelon sugar high....") from 0:40 - 0:50. The chorus melody starts on beat 3, so start your first measure with a half note rest.