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HSA: Pushing Through Dissonance
Pushing Through Dissonance
HSA Standard Only: Your Assignments
DO NOW: Resolve Tense Notes
DO NOW: Hear Note Functions - Level 1
DO NOW: Play Melodies that Imply Chords
DO NOW: Sing a Melody Over Chord Progressions
Lesson 1 - Purpose of Tension & Release (5:07)
Lesson 2 - Tension & Release (52:34)
Lesson 3 - Avoid Notes (30:15)
While you're here...
DO NOW: Hear Note Functions - Level 2
Lesson 4 - Rules of Harmony (18:37)
DO NOW: Identify Avoid Notes
Lesson 6 - What to Remember (2:27)
Lesson 5 - Voice Leading (10:14)
DO NOW: Module Quiz
HSA Standard Only: Handing In Your Assignments
DO NOW: Play Melodies that Imply Chords
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