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HSA: Dynamic Arrangements
Dynamic Arrangements
HSA Standard Only: Your Assignments
Writing to Grooves (15:59)
Grooving to Songs [Timing] (18:36)
Subdivisions [Implying Subdivisions, Rule of Emergent Subdivisions] (13:31)
Redundant Rhythms [Rule of Redundant Rhythms, Auxiliary Notes] (12:54)
While you're here...
The Subdivision Gap [Rule of the Subdivision Gap, Pre-Mix, Subdivision Spacing] (18:18)
Auxiliary Notes & The Ursatz
Pulse Patterns & Auxiliary Notes
Do Now: Clapping II
DO NOT PUBLISH - Do Now: Module 3 Quizzes (41:56)
Do Now: Copy Grooves (14:41)
Do Now: Listen and Program these Drum Grooves II (39:35)
HSA Standard Only: Handing In Your Assignments
Do Now: Listen and Program these Drum Grooves II
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